Purpose & Members


Develop and establish an Endowment and Legacy Program to support important ministries, programs and capital development projects for Cliftondale Church in perpetuity.

Receive, invest and administer in trust for Cliftondale UMC legacy gifts, undesignated general gifts, bequests, trusts, real and personal property gifts; undesignated/designated capital development gifts; and trust funds upon notice to the trustees as provided in 2533.5.

Invest and administer in trust for Cliftondale UMC all existing capital funds accounts, memorial gifts, and designated gifts for capital building projects. 

Provide funding support for capital improvement projects over $25,000. Distribute designated funds for such purposes under the funding cap above.

Who Controls the Foundation?

An eight-member Board of Directors which includes the Pastor of Cliftondale Church, members of the Administrative Board and At Large members with specific expertise in planned giving, estate planning and investment. The current Board of Directors include:


Rev. Dr. Walter Kimbrough, Pastor


Donald R. Winston, Chair


Jacquelyn Washington


Judy Copeland, Treasurer


Barbara Fussell


Jeffrey Gavin, Stewardship


Simone Hylton


Marjorie L. Kimbrough


Wakeeta Rosser, Legacy Chair

There is also a Legacy subcommittee made up of church members and at large members of the community.